What is H1N1?

imagem sobre notícia H1N1

It’s a new type of virus of the flu’s family, transmitted from one person to another through cough, sneeze or contact with contaminated objects. Symptoms: Look like flu’s symptoms: high fever and cough. Others symptoms are headache, body ache, sore throat, breathlessness, tiredness, diarrhea and vomiting. It can evolve to sinusitis or to a lung […]

How to avoid sexually transmitted diseases?

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Sexually transmitted diseases are one of the most common problems of public health in the whole world. There are the ones that are curable when treated and the ones that can’t be cured, but can be controlled, like AIDS. They are transmitted mainly through sexual contact without condom with an infected person. It can be […]

Dengue Fever, Zika Virus and Chikungunya can be combated!

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You are responsible for fight off aedes aegypti, on behalf of your health and your neighborhood! Prevention methods Keep water tank closed; Put sand on flowerpots; Tires and bottles must be put in covered places; Don’t accumulate water in any place, especially on slab and gutter; Put screen down the drain to avoid the access […]


imagem sobre notícias depressão

Depression: evil of the century Many will say that it’s bullshit or rich’s disease, but depression do exist and it’s growing more and more each day. According to World Health Organization, more than 350 million people in the world suffer depression. What are the main symptoms? Lack of interest in all activities, absence of pleasure, […]


imagem sobre notícias hepatite

Hepatitis Do you know what hepatitis is? Hepatitis is a disease that affects liver. It can be type A, B and C. Type A: transmitted through water, contaminated food or for one people to another. It’s a contagious disease caused by virus A and also known as infectious hepatitis. It’s fecal-oral transmission. Generally, it doesn’t […]